Monday, April 16, 2007

Up/Down and Up/Down

I am doing the up/down up down thing with my weight. Right now, I am up again. Grrr. I haven't posted in so long, that maybe I can just feel that I am posting for myself. So be it. My mil was diagnosed with Lymphoma about 6 weeks ago. She is now in ICU in Fargo and is not expected to live. This has been an incredibly hard several months. Such a roller coaster. One day we think that there is hope, the next we think no hope.

My neice and I were in Rochester, MN for the MACHE conference. It went fine. So many different kinds of people at that conference. It is always interesting.

My new catalog should be all ready at the printer for me to pick up. I hope it really generates a lot of sales for me.

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