Friday, May 19, 2006

Where does the time go?

I have been busy, but also not doing so hot in the exercise and food department. Grrr..

Our little town lost an 11th grader to a car accident last weekend. He was coming to the prom with his date and he lost control of the borrowed sports car and hit another car head on. The other driver also died, as well as the girl going to prom. The funeral was yesterday. My husband went and was telling me some of the stories this morning. Just devestating.

I am really enjoying my business as usual. I had a chance to get a bit caught up on things yesterday and then last night had a party in Thief River Falls. It went really well. I have a children's health fair on Saturday (tomorrow). I am looking forward to it. Shorter hours, maybe less people, so I will take less stuff. All in all good. I have my first speaking engagement for the fall lined up. Woo hoo. I really do enjoy presenting.

We had a nice Mother's Day. I had everyone here and there ended up being about 25 people. But I felt relaxed and really enjoyed the day.