Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dead Horses and Busy Weeks

My 10 year old daughters horse had a baby in the night, but it was too cold and the colt died. Mary Helen received this horse last October from the family of her best friend who died in a horse accident in August. We were told that the horse had not been bred, but within the last 2 weeks we started to be suspicious that we were going to have a foal soon. Sadly in NW MN it is too cold for a baby horse to make it at the end of March. We tried to keep a close eye on the horse and would have brought the baby inside to keep it warm, but I guess we would have needed to stay up all night.

In other news, I did lose 1 1/2 pounds this week to land at 207.5 on Sunday. I am going in the right direction. I had 3 solid days of conferences and presenting last week. It seemed like a tough week, but I made good choices and worked hard on both the diet and business stuff. I stayed with an my husband's cousin's exwife. We actually spent the weekend snowmobiling with them the first time we went out more than 16 years ago, so we go way back. I still sorrow over their divorce.

My daughter traveled with me and we had such a great weekend. She is such a great kid. Easy to get along with and asking some interesting growing up questions. I'm glad we have that positive memory.